MSc News

Graduate Studies Bureau: Workshop on Academic Writing

With the presence of the Programme Coordinator, Dr. Abdel Baset Al-Ghariani, a workshop was organized on Wednesday, the 10th of May, 2023 targeting the two batches of MSc Healthcare Management Students.
The workshop was entitled: Academic Writing Common Mistakes delivered by” Prof. Dr. Sabri Elkrghli with the assistance of Miss / Buthaina Kolachi & Miss Heba Bosedra.
The three-hour session was divided into two parts: In the first part, Prof. Dr. Sabri Elkrghli spoke about the academic writing mistakes committed by the students based on the students’ answers in their weekly assignments, where those mistakes were used as a basis for preparing the workshop content.
All students’ homework sheets were marked and returned to the students in the class as a first step, and then they were asked to look at their different writing mistakes to learn from them based on the second part of the workshop delivered by Ms. Buthaina Kolachi, with the assistance of Ms. Heba Bosedra, and general supervision of Prof. Dr. Sabri Elkrghli.
The content of the material delivered was mainly about the common committed mistakes by the students such as: sentence structure, paragraph writing, punctuations, tenses and citations.
At the end of the three-hour workshop, it was agreed that the students should attend another workshop critical review of the literature as a complementary session. This workshop will be organized in the coming weeks.

Graduate Studies Bureau: Workshop on Academic Writing قراءة المزيد »

Commencement of Postgraduate Classes in Healthcare Management

After Eid Al-Fitr holiday, the postgraduate studies classes in Healthcare Management were resumed for the first and second batches.
The first class for the first batch was on Business Development Course presented by Prof. Dr. Sabri Elkrghli, while the second class for the second batch was on Health Economics Course delivered by Dr. Issa El Fadhli.
The teaching and learning techniques used in both classes were based on active learning strategies. This approach has been used at the university since its establishment in the year 2007. Many techniques have been used in both classes such as case analysis, discussions, presentations and reflections.
It is worth mentioning that these lectures and scientific activities come as part of the academic partnership programmes of postgraduate studies in Healthcare Management organized and monitored by the European Union.

Commencement of Postgraduate Classes in Healthcare Management قراءة المزيد »

The launch of the activities of the orientation day for the second batch of master’s students (health care management)

On Saturday morning, the eighth of April 2023, the activities of the orientation days for the second batch of master’s students in health care management were launched. The first day of the event commenced with an inspiring motivational speech from Dr. Muhammad Saad, the President of the University. This was followed by speeches from Dr. Abdullah Al-Mansouri, the Vice President for Learning Affairs, and Dr. Sabri Jubran, Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration. Dr. Al-Mansouri spoke about the relationship between Libyan International University and European Union projects while Dr. Sabri delivered a lecture In which he talked about the contents of the master’s program in health care administration, the study system followed, teaching methods and evaluation, and the job opportunities associated with it in the labor market, then Dr. Abdul Basit Al-Ghariani, the coordinator of the master’s program in health care management, delivered a speech on the concept of health care management and its importance in theory and practice.
After these scientific sessions, everyone went out on a field tour led by Ms. Arwa Al-Mislati, Administrative Secretary of the Faculty, to get acquainted with the university’s headquarters, components, services, and facilities in it.
The tour was followed by three scientific sessions. The first session was led by Mr. Omar Layas who spoke about the importance of the English language for postgraduate students. The second talk was led by Ms. Esraa Al-Tarbaqia who discussed interactive learning methods at the International University. The first orientation day concluded with a lecture by Ms. Esraa on scientific writing skills. The students’ reactions and impressions of the first orientation day were very positive. This was evident from the views they expressed at the end of the day.”

The launch of the activities of the orientation day for the second batch of master’s students (health care management) قراءة المزيد »

Complementary tests for the Master’s program in healthcare management

As part of completing the requirements for admission to the Master’s program in healthcare management, and after the previous stage, which was the personal interviews, the complementary and supplementary tests for admission to this distinguished academic program were held at 4:00 pm on Wednesday, December 14th, 2022. These tests included reading and writing skills in the English language for the applicants. The program’s scientific committee will evaluate the results of the applicants over the next two days, in order to select among them and announce the results for this academic session. It should be noted that the orientation week for this academic session will begin next week and will be announced later.

Complementary tests for the Master’s program in healthcare management قراءة المزيد »

The orientation week for Master’s students in Healthcare Administration

The events of the third Orientation day for Master’s students in Healthcare Administration continued on Thursday, December 22, 2022. The third preliminary day started at 9:00 am with interactive lectures, each lasting twenty minutes. Professor Hadeel Alnaili began with a lecture on using the e-learning platform (Moodle) and the digital repository. This was followed by a lecture on how to use educational platforms (Zoom and Google) in lectures and scientific meetings, presented by Mr. Omar Layas. Then, Ms. Rwayda Saleh gave a lecture on how to conduct electronic exams. After that, Dr. Mohamed Abbas spoke about how to use citations and references in scientific writing. This was followed by a lecture by Mr. Niral Boughrara on how to use EndNote software for citations and scientific referencing, which concluded the morning lectures. After the break, Dr. Sabri Jabran, Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration, spoke about the importance of research methods for graduate students in healthcare management. This was followed by another lecture on the importance of scientific publication in conferences and scientific journals and its relation to the students’ theses, and a lecture on how to conduct a literature review, presented by Ms. Israa Alturbaki. Finally, Mr. Ahmed Elfitori explained the general format for conducting graduate theses. The meeting ended with a presentation of the analysis of the survey results by Mr. Niral Boughrara.

The meetings today were also characterized by interactivity, discussions, and responses to student inquiries. The student’s feedback and impressions about the third preliminary day were positive, which was evident from the viewpoints and opinions they expressed at the end of the preliminary day events. Additionally, complementary discussions on the topics covered were encouraged.

The orientation week for Master’s students in Healthcare Administration قراءة المزيد »

Announcing the Admission of the Next Batch of Postgraduate Students

The Master of Healthcare Management program is now accepting applications and registration for the second batch, according to the faculty of business administration at the Libyan International Medical University. The program is funded by Erasmus+ projects, and the first semester of the program is completely free.
Health-related bachelor’s degree holders are the target market, The day after the advertisement is published is when registration applications will start to be proceed, Study time: four semesters, not including the time spent on the graduation project that will commence in April of next year ,You can visit the general registrar department at the university campus for further information. every day during regular business hours.

Announcing the Admission of the Next Batch of Postgraduate Students قراءة المزيد »

Orientation Days for Healthcare MSc Students

Master of healthcare management program second orientation day for new students.
Under the supervision of the dean of the faculty of business administration, the orientation program
activities actively continued for the second day in a raw to guide the first batch of students, which
started at 9:00 am with an interactive lecture on Interpersonal Communication skills conducted by Mr. Abdulgader Ettaib and lasted for two hours. This was followed by a short break for the students.
Afterwards, Ms. Noha Al- Arram talked about the importance of technology in the healthcare systems.
To conclude the day, the university advisor for quality and governance affairs in higher education, Dr. Khabab Abdel Moneim, titled the health system from a global perspective, and sustainable development
goals lasted for a full hour.

The students’ reactions and impressions of the second introductory day were also positive, which was
noted through the points of view they expressed at the conclusion of the activities.

Orientation Days for Healthcare MSc Students قراءة المزيد »

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