التعلم الإلكتروني
E-learning Mode
E-learning is a major supporting tool to the educational process at the Faculty of Business Administration / Libyan International Medical University. The faculty uses this educational system to deliver its mission through electronic lectures using Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Applications and other modern electronic communication techniques that can be harnessed to serve educational process. The faculty also uses the system to record lectures and then displayed on both: the university’s YouTube channel and the electronic platform. The faculty also displays the scientific production of its students and faculty’s members on the digital repository, and makes it available to its beneficiaries inside or outside the university.
Digital Repository DR
The digital repository is one of the most important scientific and technical tools that can be harnessed to serve the educational process, as the faculty uploads the scientific production of its students on the digital repository and makes it available to its beneficiaries inside and outside the university. The academic production of professors, including lectures and scientific papers, is uploaded on this repository in order to contribute to scientific publishing and to increase the openness of the faculty to the local and international environment
Moodle (Online Platform)
The educational platform or Moodle is a technical tool that complements the educational process at Faculty of Business Administration. The faculty uses this technique to enable its staff members and students to communicate scientifically for the sake of the educational process. This platform contains several technological features and characteristics that can be harnessed to serve the educational process. For example, through this platform, it is possible to upload and download e-books, upload weekly lectures, upload different forms of files such as Word, PowerPoint and Excel, upload previous exams, upload presentations, videos, and electronic links. It also has a forum that brings the student together with their professors for scientific dialogue or discussion in any part of the educational process. The platform has also another feature for posting announcements and revealing students’ results. The Moodle can also help in conducting weekly tests, writing homework, and taking periodic and final exams.