MSc News

MSc Interviews for HealthCare Management Students

Under the supervision and implementation of the Faculty of Business Administration, and in the presence of Mr. Dean of the Faculty of business, Dr. Sabry Gibran, and ensuring the plan of the Libyan International University of Medical Sciences in the Vlog of the Higher Studies Project, the morning of Saturday, December 10, 2022, the personal interviews for the students of Majest began Sees the Health Department The program comes within partnership agreements with the EU supporting health institutions in Libya, and the scientific programme has seen a huge turnout from students willing to complete their master studies in this vital field. The study will begin next week through the preliminary week to introduce students to the program, its regulations, contents, teaching methods, learning and calendar that will be applied in this scientific program.

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THE SAHA project training week in university of Pavia Co-funded by Erasmus + Programme of the European Union

On Monday, 19th of September / 2022, a training-week for SAHA PROJECT was held at the University of Pavia in Italy ( ).

Six Libyan universities participated in this project namely: Libyan International Medical University, University of Tripoli, University of Misurata, University of Sebha, University of Al-Zawiya, and University of Sirte. This visit is the second of its kind this year within the framework of the European Union’s support to Libyan universities to raise the level of higher education sector in healthcare management.

After completion of the training programme, a postgraduate study in Healthcare Management at all participated Universities is expected to be launched before the end of December / 2022.

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