Graduation Projects

In addition to their functions in teaching, learning, and community services, the leading higher education institutions invests in scientific research to achieve their strategic visions and goals. From this point of view, the Faculty of Business Administration at Libyan International Medical University considers scientific research skills as core requirements for graduation. Hence, the student must successfully pass 14 credit hours in research during his study  at the faculty Introduction to Research Methodology, Advanced Research Methodology, Introduction to Statistics, Applied Statistics, and Graduation Project are mandatory research hours. These research hours are essential for instilling the scientific research spirit in the student in a way that will be reflected positively on his skills in the future, whether at the postgraduate studies stage, or at work once he joins any public or private institution.
The following part will be dedicated to the graduation projects performed by the students during the period 2020-2022.

Fall 2020-2021 First Batch

Fall 2021-2022 Third Batch

Spring 2021-2022 Forth Batch

Spring 2022-2023 Sixth Batch

Student Name Project Title
Amhamed Bashir The Impact of Working Capital Management on Profitability in UK Retail Firms 
Muhaned Elgumati The Connectedness Between Bitcoin, Gold & Crude Oil Prices (2018-2023)  
Munir Rifat Quantifying the Interconnectedness and Contagion Transmits in the Cryptocurrency Market 
Sundus Aloud Measuring Patients' Satisfaction with Dental Care Services in Libya 
Ali Buhnaik The Determinants of Islamic Banks’ Performance in Kuwait 
Shahed Eldarrat The Effect of COVID-19 on Cryptocurrencies 
Ahmed Bushnak Determents of Islamic Banks Performance in Saudi Arabia: Does Covid-19 Pandemic Matter? 
Mohamed Alzanti The Impact of Work Environment on Employees' Productivity: The Case Al Nafora Company 
Abdullah Abuqusaysah The Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on Employee's Performance: The Case of Golden Crown Company 
Mariam El Rifai Employees' Attitudes towards the Benefits of ISO 9001 Implementation: The Case of Elrayhan Company 
Sukina Adel The Effect of Cultural, Psychological, and Social Norms on Libyan Consumers' Online Buying Behavior 
Mohammed EL-Warflli Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Liquidity and Profitability of Pharmaceutical Firms in Europe (2018-2021) 
Mohanned Elzeadani The Impact of Credit Risk on Banks Profitability of USA Banks (2018-2021) 
Ayub El Mesmary The Impact of Corporate Governance Mechanisms on FTSE 100 Financial Performance in the United Kingdom 
Talal Khalifa The Effect of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Profitability of Conventional Banks in the GCC Region (2018-2021) 
Mohammed El Wefalli Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Liquidity and Profitability of Pharmaceutical Firms in Europe 
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