
Tips & Tricks to apply for Horizon EuropeCalls : Workshop

The faculty team participated in a 3 days workshop organized by the Research and Consultation Center at the university. The workshop shed light on the Horizon Europe Program. The presenter, Dr. Majdeddin Al Ghadban, is a previous contact personnel between the program and the Libyan government, and a member of the Libyan Authority for Scientific Research
Dr. Al Ghadban offered insight on the program’s research tracks, ways to get grants, and cooperation opportunities with international partners.

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Hospitality and Tourism Management Students Field Trip

an archaeological field trip was conducted for the Hospitality and Tourism Management students at the Faculty of Business Administration, at the Libyan International Medical University.
The field-trip composed of two very critical ancient historical sites

• Tocra Archaeological City
• Tolmeitha Archaeological City

Brief Background:
Tocra and Tolmitha are ancient historical sites located in Libya. Tocra, also known as ‘Teuchira’, is a small village in Eastern Libya, located about 70 kilometres east of Benghazi city.
It was one of the five cities of the Greek Pentapolis and was an important export port during the Greek period, and later the Byzantines.
On the other hand, Tolmitha, also known as Ptolemais, is a coastal city of ancient Cyrenaica.  Its historical significance dates back to the middle of the 6th century BC.
However, in the 3rd century BC, the city received its name Ptolemais from Ptolemy III, who united Cyrenaica with Egypt.
The city was easily defensible and provided the only safe anchorage between Euhesperides-Berenice (modern Benghazi) and Apollonia (modern Sūsah in Libya).
In addition to this, it’s important to mention that Tolmitha’s economy was based on trade with interior, and more importantly, the city flourished during the Hellenistic times, as well as, the early period of the Roman Empire.

Purpose of the Visit
The field trip aimed to achieve various objectives, including
1. Understanding the historical significance of these archaeological sites and learning about their management and marketing by the official authorities in the country.
2. Applying management principles such as planning, organizing, directing, and controlling in the tourism and hospitality sectors.
3. Assessing the practical implementation of marketing strategies in the tourism and hospitality sectors.
4. Exploring potential opportunities for management, investment, and tourism marketing to contribute to economic diversification in Libya and generate alternative sources of income beyond oil.
5. Creating future employment opportunities in the tourism and hospitality sectors.
6. Managing, protecting, and promoting the tourism sector in Libya.
7. Preserving the cultural heritage of future generations in Libya by understanding and safeguarding the ancestral legacy.
8. Strengthening the collaboration between academic institutions and public and private national institutions.

Methodology of the Field Trip
Under the supervision of tourism academic experts, the students embarked on the field trip, which included personal interviews with officials responsible for the tourism, antiquities, and hotel sectors.
They also conducted on-site visits to the archaeological sites to observe and examine them first hand.
The tourism experts provided comprehensive explanations about the history of the tourism, archaeological, and hotel sectors in those regions.
The students considered this knowledge transfer as a qualitative shift in their economic thinking regarding non-oil resources in the country.
Following the field trip, the students prepared reports, which will be submitted to the course instructor next week, along with documentary photographs, evidence, and supporting materials.

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Strategic Planning in Higher Education Workshop

As a consultant in strategic management and quality assurance, the Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration has been invited by the Libyan Centre of Quality Assurance in Tripoli to take part in the training workshop on strategic management.
The event started on Sunday, 05/28/2023, under the title Strategic Planning for Higher Education Institutions in Libya is the Key for Success.
The event has been hosted by Tripoli University and will last for four consecutive days. The targeted trainees for this workshop were Libyan universities’ vice principals and quality assurance directors.
The aim of this event is to train the selected nominees on strategic planning concepts, theories, tools and their applications in higher education. The gained knowledge and skills are expected to be transmitted to the regarded universities. This endeavor has been seen to be an important step in the educational process to guarantee better results and outcomes.

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cooperation opportunities Between The Mediterranean Bank and The Faculty of Business Administration

 “In partnership with stakeholders:

“The Faculty of Business Administration” and “The Mediterranean Bank” discussed the opportunities for training and employment for the faculty’s students.
On Tuesday, May 16th, 2023, Mr. Hamdi Ziu, Director of the Mediterranean Bank, invited the faculty’s dean, Prof. Sabri >> and the Head of the Finance and Banking Program, Dr. Bashar Mnasour, to visit the Mediterranean Bank in Benghazi. This visit comes as part of the faculty’s continuous effort in strengthening its links to community institutions. The two parties agreed during this visit to secure training opportunities in banking positions for our students. this is another step in the faculty’s plan to provide its students with training plans, as well as employment opportunities for our graduates after training.
During the meeting, the two parties discussed possible further cooperation chances, both scientific and professional, that could be provided by the faculty to the bank. The faculty can provide training courses, professional consultations, workshops in the fields of administration, finance, economics, in addition to contemporary applications in the field of financial and banking sciences.
The students training programs is expected to be launched in the coming weeks as part of a timeline agreed upon between the college administration and bank management.

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To Raise Libyan Higher Education of Health Sector of Local Society Partner Meeting in Tripoli University 30th of April / 2023

As part of the scientific support projects of Libyan higher education healthcare institutions, a meeting of partners universities was held at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday, the 30th of April / 2023. The meeting was organized by the European Union Projects Unit.
The representative of Libyan International Medical University in the project, Prof. Dr. Sabri Elkrghli, the Dean of Faculty of Business Administration, participated in this meeting.
The agenda and discussion of the meeting covered the following issues: the current progress and implementation of Healthcare Management Master Programme in each university (e.g., Terms of admission, language of study, academic study plan, courses of the programme, academic staff involved in the educational process, syllabuses’ benchmarks, resources and references, e-library…etc). The discussion extended to include the current progress in establishing data center in Libyan universities. The issue of health-related publications in each university was discussed. Finally, the level of interaction between the partners universities and the local institutions was discussed. The meeting concluded at three o’clock in the afternoon, and it was agreed among participants to continue in the communication and consultations regarding the discussed items till the date of the next meeting.

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Under the supervision of the European Union: the start of personal interviews for the second batch of the Master’s Program in Health Care Management

Under the supervision of the European Union:
On Monday, April 3, 2023, the MSC program Health Care Management welcomed the applicants of the second batch of Spring 2023.The Faculty of Business Administration organized individual interviews and placement tests for the applicants to determine their English language level. As the first semester ended successfully last week, the following semester will start the week after for both batches. The Health Care Management program represents one of the academic projects that is organized by the European Union and comes under the scientific partnership agreement.

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Problem-Based Learning Sessions

The PBL sessions started on Sunday, March 19th, 2023. This is an educational strategy based on considering the student as the center of the learning process, the creator of knowledge, and the acquirer of skills, rather than being just a receiver, as is the case in traditional teaching methods. This strategy relies on learning rather than teaching, extracting the educational objectives for each session of small educational groups. This work continues throughout the semester in two sessions: the first one for brainstorming and extracting the educational objectives of integrated courses, and the second session for presenting scientific presentations, with a three-day gap between the two sessions devoted to searching for data and information related to educational objectives.

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orientation Day for new instructors in the Faculty

The orientation program for new instructors took place as part of the Faculty of business administration’s strategic plan to develop the academic staff skills. The first activity held on Thursday, March 16th, 2023. was an interactive lecture presented by the dean of the Faculty, Prof. Dr. Sabri El kerghli, on how to write academic program specifications and Syllabus according to the models approved by the Libyan Quality Assurance Center. Furthermore, the dean spoke about the differences between teaching and learning methods applied at the Faculty, linking them to critical thinking, and how they impact students’ motivation. The remaining activities continued as planned and included: how to use the educational platform (Moodle), quality assurance, code of ethics, presentation skills, how to use electronic educational platforms (Zoom/Google Meet), and the day concluded with an explanation of the academic staff regulations and the necessity of complying with them.

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